
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

May 2, 2008 - Day 8: If You Like Pina Coladas.........

Yes, I’ve had a few, mmmmm.

Our last sea day, our last day on board. It’s so sad when we have to pack it all up and get kicked off the ship.

Today we all were up and ready for breakfast by 10 am. After eating I headed to a talk about disembarkation while Gary and Brynna read upon on the Lido Deck. We met up again around noon and headed down to the cabin to put it to rights and pack everything. That took until about 1:30 pm and we were getting hungry again so headed back upstairs and grabbed a reuben and some fried chicken. Didn’t eat too much though, dinner again in 4 hours!

From there we went to the Rome Lounge for some fun and games, including a Newlywed type game, and then bingo until 4:30ish. Went to the photo gallery to see if anything was worthy of purchasing and we found one! Back to the cabin to pack up a bit more and get ready for dinner.

We had a nice meal once again with our tablemates. I had a Lobster & Crab Cake, Caesar Salad and Salmon with Dill Sauce. Dessert was Grand Marnier Souffle and I shared some Warm Chocolate Melting Cake with Gary. Said goodbye to our fellow Canadian diners and our wonderful waitstaff. We gave our servers a bit of extra cash as the gratuities were already tacked onto our onboard account.

After dinner there were more fun and games in the Rome Lounge and we played bingo one last time. We watched the Carnival Legends Show where they took everyone who had auditioned and won in karaoke and put them in costume and had dancers, etc. It was quite well done and there were several awesome performers.

So back to the cabin again to pack up what we had been wearing and throw our suitcases out the door for pickup. They were grabbing them as fast as we could get them out there, this was about 11:30 pm. Put on our clothes we’re wearing tomorrow and then headed up for some casino time. Didn’t do very well but I finally won back $10 (out of $25) and stopped myself from losing anymore. It’s now 1:01 am and definitely time to hit the hay. We’re off to Orlando tomorrow!!!!


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