
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 29, 2008 - Day 5: Feeling, Hot, Hot, Hot........

Ah, another day in port. Today we were in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. As we had a tour booked, we had to get up fairly early (after a bad night of ouch my arm hurts where it’s burned) and be in one of the lounges by 8:45 am. Gary and I took off for breakfast and called Brynna about halfway thru to wake her up so she could meet us at said lounge. After much waiting we finally got to show our passports to US customs and disembark. We had the Panoramic Sightseeing and Shopping tour so we were picked up by open-air buses and traversed the hills and mountain of St. Thomas. Got some wonderful pictures of the islands and bays and ships in the harbour but it was a little scary climbing those hills and then freaky coming down them, switchback style.

Our driver, Lyndon, sounded exactly like Shaggy, expected him to burst into song any minute! He was very nice and nice to look at as well and also did a good narrative while driving. We went to Mountaintop, a type of market/viewing place for tourists where they serve awesome banana daquiris, and they didn’t skimp on the rum! Gary and I shared one, heck it wasn’t even noon yet.

We were dropped off downtown for 2 hours and we proceeded to snake in and out of shops, mostly to enjoy their air conditioning. Brynna and I both bought perfumes we’d been on the hunt for and got great deals. We also picked up some Grand Marnier and Caribbean liquers. Had a light lunch with a rather intense rum drink that had me just a wee bit buzzy, did some open market browsing and then caught our bus back to the ship. Gary headed off for a shower on board and Brynna and I looked around the shopping area at the dock. Picked up more nyquil as all 3 of us have colds now :(

Had a quiet dinner, no one else from our table showed up! I had a Tomato & Mozzarella Salad, Cream of Broccoli Soup and Turkey with the fixings. This was followed by a very delicious apple pie and ice cream. We headed up top to look at the lights of Charlotte Amalie (the city we were docked at) and wait to sailaway at 8. After that we headed down to the theatre for a magic show. It was quite well done and had many showgirls that came along with it, in very thonglike outfits, interesting.....

Since Gary was feeling a little off from the sunburn and took some benadryl which made him sleepy, he headed down to bed. Brynna and I took a turn around the photo gallery and shops and decided to call it a night as well. We dock in San Juan at 7 am tomorrow so we’ll probably get up around 9 and be off by 10 so we can look around. It’s now 10:55 pm and I’m off to read then get some shut-eye.


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