
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

January 5, 2008: Day 8 – Our last day upon the sea

Aaack, I hate being sick on a cruise! I never am, it’s always someone else. I usually get sick once I get home. Oh well, it’s just my chest and coughing and some aching. I do have 2 more nyquil to ration out, some Halls and both Advil and Tylenol.

Got up not feeling too bad this morning so I puttered around the cabin, collecting stuff and letting Gary sleep a bit longer. Once we were ready we headed up for breakfast around 9 am. Oh, and we’d set our clocks back an hour last night, these darn time changes, we still have one more tonight.

After breakfast we staked a spot in the Centrum, I got a latte and we relaxed until there was a cooking demonstration which was fun to watch. I purchased the one photo I liked and we headed back downstairs to start packing. Got much of it done and then went upstairs to watch the parade of nations in the Centrum. Then we did a bit of shopping and schlepped it down to the cabin. Next was lunch and I know that I’m not feeling that great, I don’t have much of an appetite. Oh well, just as well, I have many pounds to lose now.

We went up to the Viking Crown where I watched The Nanny Diaries on the iTouch and Gary read/slept. Now we’re back at the cabin, attempting to get ready for dinner while trying to pack somewhat.


So finished packing pretty much, got dressed and headed out for dinner. Had a free glass of wine (coupons) that we took into dinner with us. I had Caesar Salad, Onion Soup and Turkey w/stuffing, followed by my fave, Key Lime Pie. I drank a couple of cups of hot tea during dinner in order to help my sore throat and voice. Didn’t eat all of my dinner, still feeling crappy. Said goodbye to our waitstaff and our tablemates, that was sad.

The only thing I wanted to do tonight was gamble in the casino! Only spent $20 but it kept me going for awhile. Then we went down to the cabin to set our suitcases out and headed to bed early after setting our clocks back one more time, I think it’s now 9 pm!


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