
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

December 31, 2007: Day 4 – First Day at Sea & New Year’s Eve!

Now this was a very looooong day!

We were up by 7:30 and headed down to the gym. Gary was able to find a stairstepper but I couldn`t find a treadmill so instead did a lap around the deck. That was enough for me anyway as my legs and feet were a little sore. We met up and had showers in the cabin then had breakfast in the Winjammer. Mmmm, scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, fresh fruit, you get the picture.

After we signed up for wireless internet access, read a few emails and then headed to the Some Enchanted Evening Lounge for ballroom lessons, waltzing actually. We started out fairly good, then we were switching partners all over the place and that went fairly well too but when we got back together, not so good. We definitely need to practice! Not sure if we`ll try the cha cha or rumba lessons later this week.

Gary climbed the wall again. It was darn chilly up there waiting for him but like a good wife, I was there to take the photographic evidence. After we went to the Centrum so I could have a latte and warm up! We read for awhile, then I took a tour of the shops, trying to decide if anything was worth buying. Maybe in a couple of days after I`ve seen what Mexico has to offer.

After lunch at the Windjammer we read again and then headed out to the dining room where there were holding the wine tasting which was free for us as previous cruisers. We got to try 2 whites, a Zinfandel, 2 reds and a champagne. I wasn`t loopy after all that but it gave me a good start to the evening. We sat with a couple of honeymooners from Vernon, Aaron & Kelly. Very nice young couple and didn`t mind at all when Gary spilled his glass of red wine splashing Kelly a little. Can dress him up but can`t take him anywhere!

We headed back to the cabin after to change and then go to the Captain`s Reception where we got more free champagne. Then dinner where it was very festive. Special menus and had noisemakers and hats at our table for us. Tonite I had a Chicken Wonton Soup, Artichoke & Grapefruit Salad, Salmon on a bed of wilted spinach and Chocolate Indulgence for dessert. It was all very tasty.

We saw the evening`s show at 8:45, it was an illusionist who was pretty darn good. I can never figure out how they appear to chop their lovely assistants in half, this one was his very pretty wife. After the show was over we parked ourselves in the Centrum on Deck 4 for the rest of the evening. I drank Mojitos and Gary Appletinis. We listened to big band music and people watched. They decorated the Centrum with black and silver balloons. At midnight there was a drop of 2008 ballons which was very cool, especially when everyone started popping them! The noise was thunderous. It was a fun way to spend New Year`s Eve though, even if we were on our own. We headed to bed fairly quickly after that even though we read until at least 1:30.

Cabo tomorrow!


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