
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 01, 2007


Wow, hard to believe it's next year already.

Had a pretty good day yesterday, ate way tooooo much!

We went to the Gospel Brunch at House of Blues and it was pretty good food, lots of southern stuff too, awesome desserts. The gospel choir was great. Never listened to a lot of that music before but I quite enjoyed it, lots of hand clapping involved. From there the Jefferys went to Disney Quest and Gary, Brynna and I went to see Eragon. Great movie, love the story.

Back to the resort for a rest, I did laundry while the rest of my family napped. We headed out around 5:30 to MGM where we meandered about until our dinner ressie at 50s Prime Time Cafe. It was a pretty good time, everyone enjoyed our server Cousin Jeff and the food was darn good too, had southern fried chicken and collard greens. After some of us did Star Tours and others did the Great Movie Ride. Then we gathered near the big hat in the plaza where there was a huge stage set up and a dj making the crowd make lots of noise. We hung out there for the countdown and fireworks which were overwhelming. The amount of people there was also overwhelming. We finally headed out about 12:30 and were able to get on a bus almost right away. Traffic really sucked though and it took us a bit longer to get back.

We had a good lie-in today, woke up at 10:30 am. We headed out back to MGM actually about 12ish. Coaster was shutting down for a refurb after today so we wanted to try it one last time. Jimmy managed to backdoor the lot of us (except Nyla and Nana) and then we did Tower of Terror. Had some lunch, walked around some and went back to the resort. Spent a few hours there and then headed out to Pleasure Island. Had some great fish and chips at an Irish pub then spent most of the evening in the Adventurers Club. They put on great little shows in there involving the audience so it was pretty funny. Especially when one of the characters decided to give me a pretty long and squeezy hug! Finished up there around 10 and then back to the resort.

We're getting up rather early tomorrow to do opening at the Magic Kingdom. I'm off for sleep.......


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