
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

August 12 - On our way back home

Oh my, yesterday was a long day.

Up by 9 and packed everything up. Then headed over to the food court for some breakfast and it was pretty good too.

We then headed over to Property Control/Cast Connection again, and spent more money. This time Brynna was buying some things for her friends and I was on the hunt for a certain niece's birthday gift.

After being here for at least an hour we went back to Brynna's apartment so she could get her James Blunt tickets which she did. Then we went over to Bennigans for lunch, they have awesome burgers in pitas and I ate, french fries! Yes I know bad, bad me.

Then we drove Brynna to the studios and had to say goodbye. Of course, I started crying again but dried up fairly quickly after getting back on the road. Gary wanted to be at the airport as soon as possible in order to deal with all the security and lines. Well, there wasn't much of either thankfully. People were fully prepared by now not to travel with any liquids.

We spent a few hours reading before we got on our quick flight to Atlanta, and then read more while on it. We only had a 1.5 hour layover in Atlanta so we grabbed some food and drink and waited for our boarding call. We were on a much smaller plane to Seattle, with 3 on each side which meant we actually had a stranger sitting with us which makes it difficult when having to get up to use the facilities. Oh well, he turned out to be very nice, Gary spoke to him the last hour of the 5 hour flight.

We watched Sixth Sense on our own dvd player and enjoyed a snack pack from Delta.

Landed, and waited forever for our luggage but finally got to pick up our vehicle and to our hotel, just after 1:30 am, pacific time, but I was still on Orlando time so it was after 4:30, I was exhausted! Went off to bed immediately and could only sleep about 6 hours. We're at the Hilton Garden Inn in Renton right now, free internet! Heading out in a bit for breakfast, a bit of grocery shopping and then to find a ferry home. Oh my, the laundry!


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