
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 07, 2006

August 7 - MGM & AK

A much slower-paced day, but still very busy.

We started out dropping Brynna off at MGM cast entry about 7:20 am and then parked our vehicle. Had to wait in line until the gates opened at 7:50 and then we were waiting at rope drop until 8. Naveen, Brynna's friend, was one of the “droppers” but we didn't get a chance to talk with him then as he was quite far away from us.

We went straight to RRC and got fastpasses for later on. Then we went on the ride, hoping to spot Brynna somewhere. Once we got to load we introduced ourselves to Naveen and took a spin on the coaster. Found Brynna at unload where she gave us a pass to Tower, unfortunately Gary was thinking it would make him ill so we never did get to do it today. We then went and rode the coaster again, just for fun!

From then we meandered around the shops, sat on a bench for a bit, had a mid-morning snack and had our picture taken with Mickey & Pluto! Did Sounds Dangerous, a show where you're in the dark for about 7minutes, listening to headphones. Then we went to see Millionaire which was most fun. I actually was No. 5 at one point in the fastest fingers (in an audience of over 300). Following that we did the Backlot Tour, Muppet 3-D Movie, had lunch at the ABC Commissary (cuban sandwiches, yum) and then did One Man's Dream (about Walt Disney). By then it was time to pick up Brynna. I decided to ride coaster by myself as Gary didn't want to and texted Brynna that I was in the pre-show. By the time I reached load she showed up and rode with me which was cool.

Gary left the park on the bus, back to the resort for some rest, but Brynna and I went shopping! We went to Company D at Disney U to purchase a special sweatshirt for Brynna and passes for the Jefferys, then to property control where they sell damaged merchandise and then Cast Connections where they sell discounted merchandise. We managed to spend a bit of money on several items which was way cool. Got back to the resort to refresh ourselves momentarily and then we all went to Animal Kingdom for extra magic hours. We managed to ride the Safari, Primeval Whirl and Dinosaur (Brynna and I kept our eyes closed most of the time). Then we had another great meal at Flame Tree BBQ. We were all pretty tired at that point and decided it was time to come home and do laundry and maybe a movie.

Tata for now.....

Link for new photos


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, sounds like you're having a nice, relaxing time with lotsa fun too.

Keep blogging - I must have my fix of WDW, preferably on a daily basis!

Take care & see you sometime this month!

Lotsa hugs & kisses,


11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanted to drop you a line and say Happy Anniversary! How have you held out all these years!?
Haven't read your blog yet because NOBODY sent me a link before she left town : (
Had to rely on Teresa.
so will read it all now.
Have fun

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, it's me again. I need some answers:

1. What in the world are you listening to in the dark for 7 minutes, and

2. Why is having fast fingers a good thing at a Disney park?!


9:20 PM  

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