
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

August 5 - Animal Kingdom & MGM

Our first park day was a fairly busy one. Gary and I took off for Animal Kingdom, it was on early magic hours meaning it opened at 8 for resort guests. We got our vouchers redeemed for annual passes and quickly walked to Expedition Everest in Asia. After getting fastpasses and tucking them away, we got in line for the coaster. Wow, it was too fun. Lots of twists, turns, backwards travelling, in the dark, and a yeti! He was fairly creepy too. Once we got off, we headed to for Kali River Rapids as we were sweating like you wouldn't believe and it was only 9:15! Got drenched and I mean wet. Nothing stayed dry but it was like having your own personal air conditioning for awhile. Then back to Everest to use our fastpasses for yet another ride. Then we did the Safari, always a favourite, even saw Simba!

You may wonder where Brynna was during this. Well, sleeping of course. We had arranged to meet up but she was having trouble getting a few more days off so she had to go to MGM and try. We did meet up for lunch at Flame Tree BBQ where I had a real good chicken salad. From there we left the park, had to pick up some stuff at the drugstore, then went back for a rest at the resort. Gary and I walked around a bit and then he had a swim, while Brynna met up with a few friends and went to Epcot. I then proceeded to snooze for a bit while Gary was working on the computer. He woke me up for this incredible rainstorm, never seen rain like it! And being from BC, that's strange. Brynna came in shortly after and we got ready to go to dinner. Ended up at Downtown Disney for Wolfgang Puck's Express Cafe where we had nummy pizza.

We tried to get standby tickets for La Nouba but there weren't any decent cheap ones so we'll try again later. Instead we got in the car and went to MGM. Brynna “backdoored” us onto Coaster so we bypassed the lines totally. That was fun! Met her friend Meredith too. Then we headed to Tower of Terror and got on pretty quickly, it was almost 10 and the park was gearing down to close. Love that ride, I think it might be my favourite. After that we went to Fantasmic which was an awesome light, water, laser show. I very much enjoyed it and the music. Once that was done we got the car and headed back to the resort and more sleep. Think we're doing Epcot tomorrow.

Won't be blogging until we get internet again in a few days and I'll post more photos then.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there. Glad to hear you're having so much fun. Love reading your blog and living vicariously through you. All's well & hot here at home. Nothing I'm sure like Florida, tho. Say hello to Brynna and Gary for me and make sure you give Mickey a big hug.



8:46 AM  

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