
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's a Marshmellow World.....

Well, not really, but it really is a very Disney-like Christmas we have going on here!

Merry Christmas! It's 12:42 am here in the east and yes, we're still awake. Must go to sleep soon though, been a long day.

We've been off the ship since yesterday morning. The last few days were simply a blur. Our last day was spent at sea and we did manage to get lots in. Gary, Lee and Hannah & Sarah all climbed the rock wall. We packed, a lot. We picked up our photos that we wanted, did our last-minute shopping and managed to have a few meals during all that!

The evening was pretty fully too, after dinner we had a song & dance show to attend, late night adult comedy, 2 hours of karaoke and of course the casino. Did it all though and got to bed before 2. Yesterday we were up really early as we were to get off this ship between 8 and 8:30 (our priority status, woohoo). We did get off and then got our car rentals dealt with and took off to Orlando.

We got here before 11 am. Wonderful resort but massively large and we're still not sure where everything is. We checked in but of course our rooms weren't ready so we headed to Downtown Disney to deal with our Christmas shopping. Then Brynna, Gary and I took off for the outlet malls to get all the stuff we never got back home. Trouble was, took us at least an hour to circle the parking lot and get a spot. By the time we got back to the resort and lugged everything, up to the 2nd floor, it was well after 6:30. We decided to have dinner at the resort and then Teresa, Mom, Lee, Brynna and I went to Hell-Mart! We were there about 3 hours I'm sure! We had to buy Xmas gifts as well as groceries and a Christmas tree and some decorations. By the time we got to the checkout I think we had to wait a half hour to get through. Who knew that so many people in the Orlando area were shopping at 11 pm at night.

Anyways, today was just about as busy. We got up earlyish to return the rental cars and they shuttled us to MGM where we spent about 5 hours. Took Mom on Tower of Terror, too funny! I think she liked it but just kept staring at us afterward. Gary, Lee, Sarah and I went on Coaster then we all went on the Great Movie Ride. We split up for awhile and met up with Brynna who came to the park later. All had lunch and then went back to the resort. Spent MORE time shopping at the hotel gift shop, just a few last minute items and then came back to our rooms and wrapped for several hours! My goodness this is a lot of work! After having dinner out at the Rainforest Cafe we came back here, decorated our 6 foot Charlie Brown ($13.82) tree with lights, glass ornaments and lots of candy canes. It's quite cute. We filled the stockings, hauled the loot out and put it beneath the tree and now I'm sitting watching the lights glow as I type this.

Tomorrow should be an awesome day. We're opening gifts, having brunch, going to the Magic Kingdom for a parade then back for a rest followed by dinner at 'Ohana, Christmas Polynesian-style.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! TTYS.


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