
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Getting ready.........there goes my sanity

Well, we're down to 3 more sleeps before we lock our doors and leave this rock we live on.

We're heading over to Maple Ridge for one night, allowing Teresa, Brynna and myself to rock out to Aerosmith on Wednesday evening. Then we're off to Richmond the next day to spend the night prior to our flight and picking up Mom (Nana) en route. We'll be having dinner with Robbie & Marnie and then getting a good night's sleep before our 4:15 am wakeup call.

It's been a pretty hectic weekend all in all. Started off with a staff meeting/Christmas get-together in Victoria on Friday. This was followed by viewing The Holiday with Gary, Brynna and Tabi. Yesterday was "spa day". Brynna and I started out with a visit to the hair salon, then we fought upstream in the mall to pick up last minute gifts and necessities for the trip. This was followed by a lovely sojourn at the spa where we had pedis and a brow wax. Back to Costco for some last minute purchases and then, thankfully, we got to go home. Some last minute baking followed by gift wrapping and the Scrooged DVD finalized the evening.

Today after many phone calls and a late start, Brynna and I put together cookie trays for my co-workers while Christmas music blasted out. Then the altogether frightening task of trying to fit everything into the chosen suitcases. So much stuff, hard to believe we'll actually need it all, BUT WE WILL! Anyway, Gary weighed the largest suitcase and drats, it was almost 5 lbs. over its limit. This means yet another suitcase. Thank goodness they're all on wheels, we'll be doing a lot of pushing and dragging I'm sure. Moved the overflow from our suitcase and Brynna's to another suitcase and everything weighs well.

Not too much left to do now. Dinner with the in-laws tomorrow night, one last matching t-shirt to conjure up and the organization of my purse is all that's left in the agenda, besides working 2 last days that is.

I will be back, hopefully yet another step closer to Florida!


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