
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sailing, sailing......

December 21, 2006

Well it’s been a couple of busy port days. We spent Wednesday in Belize City. We had to take rather large speed boats in as we had to tender out pretty far, the water near the city is quite shallow. That took about 20 minutes to get in. Once there we proceeded to leave the “secured” area and went out to have a look at the locals. There definitely is some poverty to be seen, several children and even an adult were asking us for money. We bought a wood carving of a turtle and a cool mask for Gary. He decided not to risk the boat ride in and stayed behind. I even had a beer! It was so super hot and humid and the beer was soooo cold, it kinda hit the spot. Last time I had one was in Mexico in 1982!

Back on the ship, in the afternoon I had a facial which was super awesome. So relaxing I almost dozed off like I was in the tanning bed! My skin still feels soft, yet my nose is so Rudolph red at this point in the vacation. Since Brynna grew her nails so nicely, I treated her to a French manicure which she really enjoyed.

We had formal night last night, much fun getting 8 people out the door for photos before dinner. Wasn’t too keen on the results but Mom bought the group photo. Yummy dinner included prime rib AND I asked for the fisherman’s plate on the side, a lobster tail and shrimp. I ate the lobster and Gary got the shrimp, he also ate his lobster and shrimp and Lee’s lobster! Had his fill for the year.

We then had a repeat passenger party where there was more food including white chocolate dipped strawberries, yum, and free beverages. Then on to a comedian who was so funny, really enjoyed his performance. Then on to karaoke where Lee did 2 songs and Brynna managed Winter Wonderland, even though her throat hasn’t completely healed yet. Then we were off to the Gala Buffet! This was quite the packed day and evening of the week.

December 22, 2006

Today we were back in Mexico, this time Cozumel. Docked (lucky us, 6 other ships had to anchor and tender in) at 7 am this morning and finally left just before 11 tonight. Very long day in port.

We got our sorry selves up and out of bed, had some brekkie then caught a cab to Paradise Beach where we grabbed some lounge chairs, a bucket of cerveza and a couple of Mango Margs for me. The kids had great fun in the water and Brynna had a henna done on her neck. After a few hours of sun we headed back to the ship for a little relaxation before we got ready for shopping.

Spent a few hours out in the main shopping district, just a walk away. Picked up the rather inexpensive Kahlua and some vanilla, our typical purchases in Cozumel.

Since we got back later than dinner started, we went to the buffet for our evening meal. It was okay. There must be a breakout of Norwalk that they’re not really talking about cause all the food being served in the Windjammer, the buffet restaurant, is being doled out by servers. We’re not allowed to touch the food. Guess Gary started a trend.

We just relaxed after dinner, hung out in a lounge and talked while listening to some live dance music. Tomorrow is our last day L and we have things to do like bingo, packing, rock climbing (Gary), packing, shopping in the onboard shops, packing and whatever else we can pack into the day.

Not sure when I’ll get online again, hopefully a day or two in Disney. We’re hoping our time there is less stressful than our cruise! One can always hope!


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