
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Another Christmas over.....

Well, it's been a long day but a good if not wet one.

We were up and dressed by 8 am as we were expecting the family to invade our room to open stockings and gifts. We were all suitably spoiled. I received an awesome scrapbook from the cruise to fill, some Zydeco cds and a Disney pin from the Jefferys, my Mom gave me a set of home movies that were converted to dvd, way cool. Brynna gave me a really neat case for my cell phone that has Mickey on it and Gary gave me beautiful diamond earrings! I gave him a Zune for Christmas which is a personal mp3 player/video player/fm radio and he seems to like it pretty well.

After gift opening we headed out for our breakfast reservation at the resort. It was all very good and we stuffed ourselves silly. Then it was off to Magic Kingdom to see the Christmas parade. Just before Santa showed up, the skies opened and didn't stop for hours. We were sooooooo wet, can't believe how much it rained today. It was literally bouncing off the ground and unfortunately Florida doesn't drain very well so it was a couple of inches deep in most places. We managed to procure some ponchos and raced back to the resort to get dry. After a few hours of lolling about we caught a bus and then monorail to the Polynesian Resort for our reservation at 'Ohana. That was a feast I tell you. We had deep fried wonton, chicken wings, salad, shrimp, scalloped potatoes, and hunks of meat they came around with on skewers. The whole meal was fantastic and then followed by pineapple coconut bread pudding with ice cream, yum! The girls had fun learning how to hula.

Lee and Nyla left for the resort for some quiet time while the rest of us went back to the Magic Kingdom. We managed Buzz Lightyear, Stitch Encounter, People Mover, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Boat and Big Thunder Mountain Railway. Left the park about 11 pm but it was actually open until 3 this morning!

Tomorrow we're taking it somewhat easy, sleeping in as we haven't done so in the past several days and then going to Epcot in the afternoon.

Have a great Boxing Day everyone, hope the sales are good to you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys
Merry Christmas! Teresa, thanks for calling last night. Wish I'd been there to take the call. Very different having no family around this year - so quiet!
Marnie and I were up early for stockings - yes we did them this year. Then coffee and presents, and food. Thanks to everyone for the great gifts. Marj, tell mum we think the sweaters are amazing. And all the coffee-related gifties, and flannel jammies, and chocolate and everything, is great. We didn't know what the dvd was, and couldn't find out since we don't have a player, so when we went to Lisa and Michelle's for dinner we played it. We all got to watch my skinny legs and YELLOW shoes scamper around Stanley Park. What fun. I was afraid those films had been lost - so glad they weren't.
We're just getting ready to head out to a friend's in New West for Tofurky dinner - or so she's promised...
No rain yesterday and today!
We'll see y'all on the 6th (what time?). Marnie and I are going to Robert's Creek from the 1st to the 5th for R&R.

3:51 PM  

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