
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Doing the Disney Dance....

Well it's been a few days and of course we've been busy, but we've relaxed a little too.

On "Boxing Day" we went to Epcot and although it rained a little, the dampness was pretty much over. We chose to go later in the day and get some sleep instead. We got there around 2, had some lunch and rode Soarin' then did Journey into Imagination (mostly for Nyla) then when the Jefferys and Nana went to see Nemo & Friends (the wait was far too long) the rest of us went for hot chocolate and then browsing through the stores. We then met up and did Test Track and brrrr, it was darn cold outside. Had some fast food for dinner then Gary departed which was handy since Brynna and I had planned on looking for something for his birthday in the gallery. Found a Stitch figure in the Art of Disney he had been eyeing up a few days ago. He's in a tropical shirt holding a tropical drink, very cute. We left shortly thereafter though and went back to our resort.

Yesterday we slept in a little as our ressies were for 10:50. Went back to 'Ohana for the Character Breakfast and saw Mickey, Lilo, Stitch and Pluto. The kids were all excited to get autographs and their photos done with them and also me with Mickey and Gary with Stitch and Lilo! We ate tons, they brought around cinnamon buns, sausages, eggs, bacon, Mickey waffles, biscuits, home fries and tropical juice and we even got Kona coffeee. We ate our fill and then out came the birthday cake I had ordered for Gary. We each had a small slice and then sent back the rest to the college students in the kitchen.

After we went to Downtown Disney and headed to Disney Quest where we spent a few hours following the kids around while they played games, etc. Then we went to see "Night at the Museum" which was very funny and quite good. Brynna left us at 'Ohana as she finally was able to meet up with Jimmy and spend the day with him.

We headed back to the resort, as it was freezing, and had our dinner there at the Pepper Market again, followed by a nightcap in our room and watching TV.

Today we took the girls to Bippity Boppity Boutique and they had a great deal of fun. It was fun for us to watch them get their hair and makeup done but it was quite the zoo. So many little "princesses" getting done up, Disney must be making a killing! After we headed to Animal Kingdom and met up with Gary, Brynna and Lee. We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and then headed into the park where we rode Dinosaur, some did Primeval Whirl (not me, too spinny) and then we saw Nemo, the Musical. It was quite cute but sitting in the dark makes me nod off! We then did Expedition Everest which I really like. Such a fun roller coaster. Everyone did it except for Nyla (too short) and Nana (doesn't like coasters). Had some dinner at the Flame Tree BBQ and then headed back here to our rooms.

Tomorrow we're getting up super early, 6 am, so we can hit Animal Kingdom very early to do the Safari and a few other things before it gets too crowded. Then we're going to Typhoon Lagoon, the water park. Hopefully it gets super warm tomorrow. It was much nicer today but is somewhat cooler now. Off to get in my jammies!


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