
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well, not quite yet but we'll be out this evening and I won't have a chance to blog.

A recap of yesterday's events......

Well, we were ready to go about 9:30 and headed to Epcot where Gary and I were able to find where our Leave a Legacy tile was placed. Right near the front of the park so we'll be able to visit our picture every time we go to Epcot.

We headed to World Showcase where we proceeded to visit the many countries. Did the boat ride in Mexico, ate some Norwegian pastries in Norway, etc. The girls were busy getting their artwork stamped by each country, something they do for kids here to keep them from being totally bored. Oh and they got some autographs from a few characters. Before we finished the remaining 3 countries, Gary, Brynna and I decided to go to Beaches n' Cream at the Yacht Club for lunch whilst the rest chased characters. After a scrumptious lunch where we sat at the actual soda fountain, we headed over to MGM by way of boat. Gary left there and Brynna and I went into the park and to Coaster where we backdoored and got on the very front of the ride, woohoo! After we headed back to the resort and after a bit of sitting around, Gary and Brynna went swimming with the Jefferys while Mom and I sat poolside with frozen drinks. Left there shortly after 7, back to our rooms to get ready, and we (sans Gary) went to Magic Kingdom. Rode Buzz Lightyear, watched the kiddies do some Fantasyland rides, had some dinner at 11 pm and then watched the fireworks which were awesome. It was a trial run for the NYE fireworks tonite so they were pretty spectacular. Mom, Brynna and I went back to the resort not long after Lee, Nyla and Sarah did. Hannah and Teresa stayed on to do Space Mtn. and I'm not sure what time they stumbled in, prob after 2.

Pretty quickly we're off to House of Blues for the Gospel Brunch. We'll come back to the resort for some swimming and rest and then we're heading out to MGM around 5ish for our ressies for dinner at the Prime Time Cafe and then we'll stay at the park until midnight.

Hope everyone has a wonderful NYE. I'll post more next year!


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