
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm on my way back home, gonna fly . . . .

Yes, I'm now quoting Partridge Family songs.

It's been a whirlwhind kind of time, the past few days. We did the Magic Kingdom on the 2nd, got there about 8:45 and watched the opening antics with Mickey and gang. Headed into Tomorrowland and did Space Mtn. right away. Kids did some rides there and then in Fantasyland. We headed back to Main Street Bakery to get some breakfast and meet Brynna. We were all wearing our matching t-shirts and had a picture taken in front of the castle. Then we saw Mickey's Philharmagic. Very good 3-d show. Left there into a downpour! And it didn't stop, for hours. What is with this weather? We had some lunch, tacos, and donned our ponchos for the trek back to the resort. We decided we hate the parks in the rain, when nobody leaves.

Of course once we got back to the resort, it stopped raining! We caught a bus around 4:30 and headed to Downtown Disney to catch a taxi to pick up our rental cars. Gary, Mom and I went to Florida Mall to do a bit of shopping and had dinner in the food court.

Yesterday was our day at Universal Studios. This was indeed a long day. We were there right at opening at 9 am and proceeded to Islands of Adventure to ride Spiderman, the Hulk (scariest rollercoaster I've ever been on), and a Cinnabon and then did the rides in Seussland. Did a coaster or two, then the Jurassic Park River Ride. Didn't tell the others that you plummet down a very long plume into the water, was quite funny! Fortunately we didn't get very wet. Hightailed it out around 3 to Universal Studios park and started to work our way around. We did get the Mummy and Jaws in and a few other things here and there before we ran out of time (somewhere between 6 and 7). The heavens opened up just as we were leaving and downpoured, yet again. Tonight we went to Target to look about and had dinner at the Outback, just Gary, Brynna, Sarah and myself.

Today was a sad day, leaving WDW yet again. I got up early with Gary and took him to Epcot for his Segway Around the World tour. He was tied up just over 2.5 hours so I just meandered about a bit, read and was able to videotape him as he rode by. We left the park around 11 and then went back to the resort to get Mom and Brynna and finish packing. Said bye-bye to the Jefferys and went to Downtown Disney to do our last-minute shopping and have lunch at Earl of Sandwich. From there we drove out near the airport to check into our hotel. After leaving Gary there we promptly turned around and went back to MGM. We were to watch Beauty and the Beast as Brynna needed to talk to Jimmy before they went out after he finished work. Very good show. Left Brynna there, who knows if she'll come home tonight considering we're getting up at 3:30 tomorrow morning! Just had an awesome meal and margs at Chilis and now it's time to get ready for bed and it's not even 9 pm. Be home soon!


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