
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

January 4, 2008: Day 7 – Sailing, sailing (on our way back up the coast)

A very quiet sea day. The kind I like. Tomorrow will be filled with last minute things and packing but today is the day to relax.

Up for breakfast around 9:00, rather late today but I forced myself to sleep longer to catch up. We start moving our clocks back tonight, an hour tonight, and an hour tomorrow night, so at least we gain those hours back we lost this week.

I signed up for the slot tournament which will be at 1 pm this afternoon.

No luck with the internet on this ship, I can check emails in the internet cafe but the wireless service is definitely down. This means all my blogging will be posted the day before we fly home!


We headed to the casino for the slot tournament. I was machine no. 1, first round. I did lousy! I was 2nd from the bottom of 9 people. It’s only luck, there’s no skill involved so I had a crappy machine. We watched a little while then went to fill our faces.

We then took a drawing class from Linda, she’s one of our tablemates. It’s all about drawing with the right brain, it was quite interesting but lots of concentration. I did pretty well, hopefully I’ll finish my drawing one day.

We then went to a movie tune triva and it was fun. We certainly didn’t win but did fairly well. Gary and I picked up another team member who seemed to know her stuff too.

Lo and behold, it was my turn to get sick. All day long I’d been coughing a bit here and there and before dinner I felt so crappy, got dressed, took some advil and started to feel better. We had formal shots done and then headed in for dinner.

We moved around a bit this time facing Cindy and Roland and talked all evening long with them. We’re exchanging business cards so we can keep in touch. Roland is actually heading to Florida for the month of February to be a kidney donor for his father. As Cindy is a stay-at-home travel agent, she’s going along with him. Dinner consisted of Mushrooms in Puff Pastry, Cream of Asparagus Soup and I had 2 dinners, Prime Rib with Baked Potato and Fisherman’s Plate with lobster, I gave Gary the shrimp. For dessert I had a Dessert Sampler with Flourless Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake and Savarin, yum!

Gary and I then headed to the Platinum and Diamond Members Cocktail Party where we enjoyed a glass of wine and people watching. Then it was Showtime, this time the singers and dancers doing Broadway Rhythm. It was quite entertaining. Started to feel crappier and crappier so we went to the cabin where I took quite a chill and couldn’t get warm. We tried to watch a movie on the laptop but I decided to crash after taking a nyquil. Slept pretty deadlike most of the night, although I woke up to strip off the bathrobe and socks since I was then sweating. I managed over 9 hours of sleep so that was pretty good.


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