
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Living la vida loca......

Ola! I've never heard so much spanish before, we're truly in Miami.

We had a decent jaunt from Victoria to Miami. Our flight out of Victoria was short and sweet but couldn't see a lot, many clouds and much turbulence, thought we were on a roller coaster for a moment there! Had few hours of a layover in Seattle so we had dinner at Chilis Too. Did a bit of window shopping at some of the neat airport stores and then had a little wait at our gate before we boarded the plane. The flight was fairly uneventful except at one point very warm and someone waiting for the loo fainted and they gave her oxygen. Alaska Air does serve warm chocolate chunk cookies and milk which was a nice treat. Tried to get some sleep, probably managed an hour all in all, Gary slept more than I and poor Brynna couldn't sleep at all. We landed a little early about 6:45 am, collected our luggage and then took a fairly expensive cab ride out to our hotel. Once there we crashed for 5.5 hours.

Got ourselves decent again and caught the shuttle out to the Dolphin Mall. Huge, awesome shopping venue. Very nicely laid out, lots of stores and lots of people to watch. Brynna found a cute dress for herself, she found one for me too, and a bathing suit for me and we both bought new Crocs. Poor Gary never got anything. On our shuttle ride back to the hotel the two women in front of us heard us mention the ship tomorrow and started talking to us, they're on the same ship too! A mother and daughter (I think she might be around 17 or 18). Turns out they're from Toronto, fellow canucks. We signed up for a shuttle tomorrow together so we're meeting them at 10 to head down to the Port of Miami.

We went to Tony Roma's for dinner tonite, just got back. I had a free coupon (trust me to find 'em) for this onion loaf (deep fried) which was awesome but soooo bad for us. I had a chicken & rice type dish which was tasty and a mojito, yum!

Now we're going to wind down and watch some tv and try to get some sleep tonight as we have a busy day tomorrow.

Will post on the high seas I hope!


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