
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 28, 2008

April 27, 2008 - Day 3: Beach Baby, Beach Baby......

Twas a lovely day to be down south. I woke up around 9ish (had a hard time sleeping in the middle of the night) and had to wake Gary up to come up for breakfast with me. Had the same old, same old, eggs, bacon, hash browns, etc. We took some stuff down for Brynna and made her wake up. We finally got our tender out to Half Moon Cay and arrived around noon. We had to make the most of our time there as last tender back was at 3. We set up ourselves in a spot with both sun and shade and then Gary and I went into the water. It was darn cold at first but I eased myself into it until I was submerged to my shoulders. We stayed in a while, obviously too long without sunscreen though. I look like a lobster and I feel like I was thrown in a pot of boiling water. Well, not that bad but it’s not the most pleasant sunburn. My forehead seems to hurt the most.

After drying off we grabbed some bbq and had a pleasant meal with roosters and chickens running to and fro amongst the dining pavillions. Brynna made me feel bad when I started to eat my jerk chicken....

We spent a little while in one of the island bars and then headed back to the ship. Had showers and then Gary and I went up to see what was going on, if we were sailing and to post my blog to the internet. We had a drink in the lobby bar and then went back to meet up with Brynna in our cabin to get dressed for dinner.

Had a lovely meal with our tablemates. Seems to be getting easier to talk to them as we find out more about them. For dinner I had a chicken quesadilla appie, caesar salad (really good) and Jerk Pork Loin which was terribly spicy but great. For dessert, the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake, it was just that good. Gary had it as well but also ordered strawberry cheesecake and then poured his chocolate melting cake on top!

We followed dinner with a stroll around the shops, then went to see showtime, it was the hypnotist tonight. He’s a fairly young guy and really good. It was hilarious to see what he could make people do. Brynna and I liked it so much we went to the second show and left Gary at the piano bar drinking brandy.

We met back up and had some pizza (Gary had a hot dog) and frozen yogurt to top the evening off. Now we’re back in the cabin and it’s 12:20 pm, time for some snoozing. We can even sleep in as it’s a sea day tomorrow, yay!


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