
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 28, 2008 - Day 4: I Love it When We're Cruising Together......

Ah, a relaxing day at sea, well for the most part it was. I finally crawled out of bed around 8:30 am and got myself together, told Gary I was heading out for breakfast and he decided to come up with me. Had some buffet fodder and Gary decided he wanted to go back to sleep so I let him (lol) and went to grab a latte and watch a port info talk. When that was over I decided I wasn’t letting my family sleep the whole day away and called them, it was about 11:45! They met up with me in the lobby bar where I was reading and we sat and chatted for a bit before we went for some lunch. Grabbed a table on the lido deck and had a reuben made for me at the NY Deli. It was awesome. Gary had ice cream and Brynna cruised thru the buffet for pasta and salad.

We decided to stay topside as they were starting the hairiest chest contest (for men) and it looked to be quite entertaining. Only bad thing, Brynna and I stayed out in the sun thereby adding to our previous sunburns, although we did lather up some what while we were waiting for the shennanigans to begin. After the winner was declared (he wore suspenders with his speedos!) we grabbed some reading material and the laptops and hung around a couple of the lounges.

Dinner was formal tonight so we headed back to our cabins to get dressed and then out again for a photo before the Captain’s cocktail party. Had some wine (freebie) a few appies and then headed in for dinner. It was nice seeing everyone dressed up as usual. I had Stuffed Mushrooms, Caesar Salad and Prime Rib. Followed by Carmelized Apples over Puff Pastry with Caramel Sauce, very yummy.

After dining we meandered around the shops again, Brynna and I, whist Gary had a brewski in the lobby bar. Then we met up and watched the production show which I thought was pretty good. Music all around the world. They had fireworks at the end and all sorts of confetti showering down, it was really cool.

After that Brynna had some downtime in the cabin while Gary and I watched karaoke and auditions for the Legends show. It was quite entertaining even though we didn’t know anyone in there. Then Gary headed off for bed while Brynna and I went to see the adult comedy show which was quite amusing. It’s now 12:50 am, I’m off to bed!


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