
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

May 6, 2008 - Day 12: Animal Kingdom & Magic Kingdom

Well, today we headed out to Animal Kingdom. Kind of got a late start so didn’t get there til 11ish. We headed towards Asia, to ride Expedition Everest and eat at one of the new eateries but unfortunately Brynna’s tummy took a turn for the worse and we ultimately decided to go back to the hotel until she felt better.

Once we got back we went to the food court and picked up something to eat, Gary and I shared nachos, as we didn’t want anything heavy considering our dinner reservations were for 5:40 pm. We browsed the gift shop, picked up some things we had purchased in Epcot (they’ll deliver to your resort) and discovered housekeeping was in our room so we went and sat by the quiet pool in our area for a few minutes.

Back in the room I watched TV, Brynna did homework and Gary napped. We have such exciting times on our vacations! We headed out by bus just after 4 pm to the Magic Kingdom. Once there we roamed about a bit in the air-conditioned stores, rode Peter Pan and then went to the Liberty Tree Tavern for our dinner.

Took about 15 minutes to get in this time but at least I had found a seat as I had very weary feet. We had a great waitress who was quick to get us our food. This was a family style feast, where they delivered bowls and platters to your table. We started off with salad with a strawberry vinagrette, rolls with honey butter, then she brought mashed potatoes, green beans, macaroni and cheese and a platter with turkey, ham, flank steak and stuffing oh and of course gravy. Wow, sounds like lots of food but it wasn’t, then she brought us another round, except for the mac & cheese which was good but really rich so we didn’t eat the whole bowl (of course Gary opted out!). We were also visited by Goofy, Pluto, Chip & Dale & Minnie as this was a character meal. Dessert was apple cobbler and vanilla ice cream. Very good meal all in all.

We decided to do some rides so headed to Tomorrowland but first stopped in Fantasyland to do Mickey’s Philharmagic, a 3d film. In Tomorrowland we did Monster’s Laugh Floor which was really cool, Buzz Light Year, took a spin on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority and then decided to finish off with Space Mountain, always a favourite.

Since it was 8:40 pm and we knew that everyone was waiting for the fireworks, we just wanted to get the heck out of there since the park also closed at the same time, 9 pm. We hoofed it down Main Street and out to the buses and got on one right away, even got seats. We were back at the resort before 9:30 so we simply read, watched some tv, etc. and we were all in bed by 11 pm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

4:36 PM  

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