
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

May 5, 2008 - Day 11: Epcot & Disney Hollywood Studios

Another sunshiny day, I think that’s what we’re going to have every day here. No rains to speak of except I did hear a downpour in the middle of the night.

Today Brynna met with Joey, one of her Coaster friends, to hang out so Gary and I went off to Epcot on our own. We were out of here around 9:30 am and in the park by 10. First off we found our legacy tile, the photo of ourselves we took on our 20th anniversary, imprinted on metal and placed on very large slabs of marble. It only took me a couple of minutes to find ours.

Then we went to Innoventions and played a recycling type game which was fun. While we were hanging around deciding what to do next we won Dream Fastpasses which would get us on once to each ride at Epcot whenever we wanted today. Well, since we had the GAC (guest assistance card) we decided to give the passes to someone else. Gary found a young honeymooning couple and they seemed to really appreciate them.

Next we did Test Track which is always a lot of fun, especially at 65 mph. From there we went back to Innoventions to see the house of the future. I sure want a lot of the stuff to be found in there and apparently most of it is available already. From there we went to the Cantina at the Mexican pavilion because of course it’s Cinco de Mayo. Not that there was anything really going on there. We had a fairly decent combination plate lunch with churros to follow.

We lumbered over to the Land, to ride Soarin’, always a great ride and then for the heck of it did Living with the Land which takes you through their greenhouse system, hydroponics etc. We were pretty knackered after this so we got the car and returned to Pop for a rest. I didn’t seem to be able to nap but read a bit and watched some tv. Brynna returned just after us and did some homework and Gary took a nap.

We got ourselves together and went to DHS, formerly MGM. Did a little walk thru the shops and then headed to the Prime Time Cafe as our ressies were for 7:30 pm and we were meeting Matt, another of Brynna’s friends.

Dinner was extremely entertaining, Matt is a funny guy (the waitress made him wear a bib) and the food was tasty. I had pork tenderloin and apple cobbler a la mode for dessert. We headed to Coaster after dinner for a spin and then Matt had to head home. Brynna and I did Tower of Terry as Gary was feeling a little off after Coaster. We decided to head back to Pop again, so we dropped Gary off and continued on to Wal-Mart for a few necessities. Another late night as it’s 1 am so I’m off to sleep.


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