
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, May 05, 2008

May 4, 2008 - Day 10: Magic Kingdom & Epcot

Even though this is our sixth visit to WDW, it still is so exciting to enter the parks and see it all again. Of course things have changed even since our last visit so that tends to make it more interesting too.

I was up by 8 am today as it hurt my poor body to sleep on those wretched beds any longer! I got up and after showering spent a fair bit of time on the internet catching upon emails, etc. Finally Gary woke up at 9 and got ready and we then woke Brynna up. We were out of the room by 10 am or so. We drove to the Magic Kingdom and caught the monorail to the park. It was terribly crowded so we had a bit of a wait but we finally arrived. First thing we did was head to Guest Services where I asked for a Guest Assistance Pass. I wasn’t going to get one at first but after spending a fair bit of time on my feet this past week, I could see that I wasn’t going to do very well if I had to wait in lines very much. I didn’t have any problem getting it and it has come in very handy so far.

Even though crowds are supposed to be down right now, and they certainly are from Christmastime, there still seems to be quite a few people around. Lots of little kids but not too many middle or high schoolers.

We started out at the Haunted Mansion, always a favourite. It was recently refurbed and they did a good job, it’s just that much better. Then we went on Pirates before we headed to El Pirata for taco salads for lunch. After we ate we went to Splash Mountain where the GAP (pass) came in real handy and then we did Big Thunder Mt. Railway. After these rides I decided I needed to put my feet up and rest. It wasn’t til we got back to the car and saw on the temp gauge that it was 96 degrees out there. No wonder I was fading fast!

We got back to the resort where Brynna jumped on the computer to do homework for class, Gary played solitaire on the computer and I laid down on the bed and slept for a couple of hours! So unlike me but I guess I needed it. We got ourselves together and headed out to Epcot around 5:45.

Once at Epcot we hopped onto Spaceship Earth which has also been refurbed and looks much better. After we headed over to Le Cellier in the Canada pavilion for our 7 pm reservations. They took us in right away. The restaurant resembles a wine cellar and is quite nice. Started with their famous cheddar cheese soup which was great. Then I had the Filet Mignon with Wild Mushroom Risotto. It was so tender, best steak ever. For dessert I had the Whiskey Laced Chocolate Cake which was very tasty. Our total bill came to $161!!! I reiterate that the dining plan is great since we didn’t have to pay this price. I have a spreadsheet that I’m going to complete to see how well we do in terms of what we eat v. what we paid. We were in and out of there fairly soon which was nice.

Decided it was early enough to drive to Downtown Disney and catch a movie. Iron Man was conveniently playing right around the time we got there. It was a really good movie, great effects and I really liked Robert Downey Jr. Got back to the resort around midnight and as it’s almost 1 am, time to head to bed.


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