
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 10, 2008 - Day 16: Shopping & Magic Kingdom

My aching feet, legs, etc. Twas a long day to be on them and I should have had my pedometer on today. By the way, I’ve worn it a few times and I clock between 5 – 8 km a day walking around here, sometimes even more cause I forget to put it on.

We were up and at em by 11 am, and at Downtown Disney by 11:30. We had lunch at Earl of Sandwich, they have such good food there. I had the Frenchy, dijon, ham & brie, excellent choice, washed down with Earl Gray Lemonade. We popped into a few stores just to look and then dropped Gary off at Virgin Records as he planned to look around there then hop on a bus back to the resort.

Brynna and I took off to find Marianne, a store we really liked in San Juan. It was designed for the larger latino ladies, lol. I think size small up to 3X. Anyhow I picked up a blouse for work and Brynna found a really cute sundress for $16.

Then we were off to find the Florida Mall. Gary’s Navigator came in handy and had us there in no time. I think we were at this mall for at least 3 hours. No wonder my feet were so sore. I did, however, find benches from time to time. I found a top for me, and an evening bag and an over the shoulder bag (good for holidaying). Brynna picked up some books, 3 tops and a portable ipod speaker system that we actually have to exchange as it doesn’t zip properly. Back to the mall, ugh.

We headed back after 5 and made it through traffic just about 5:40. We changed and got some stuff ready to pack up later then left for the Polynesian Resort. We were meeting Brynna’s friend Joey there and hoping to get in as a party of 4 since we only had ressies for 3. Didn’t seem to be a problem, we just had to wait about 20 minutes to get in. We had an awesome table this time, view out of the windows towards the Magic Kingdom and good viewing of the hula lessons/coconut racing they did with the kids.

Joey is a really nice young man, very polite and quite interesting to talk to. He’s in school as well as working p/t at WDW and Starbucks. Dinner was great yet again. The menu had changed a little though. We started out with a Pineapple Bread, Salad w/Honey-Lime Dressing, Wings, Potstickers, Broccoli & Snow Peas, Lo Mein Noodles and of course all the skewers of meat they come around with. The steak was excellent tonight, especially dipped in the peanut sauce. This was all followed with Bread Pudding, Ice Cream and Bananas Foster Sauce. Such a good restaurant, we go every trip and enjoy it each time. It was Joey’s first time and he seemed to enjoy it as well.

We finished just before 9 and all headed via monorail over to MK. The parade was just starting so we dashed over to Tomorrowland and did Buzz Lightyear (Gary got the highest score you can get 999,999) and then we did Space Mountain. From there it was almost fireworks time so we had to zigzag through crowds to get over to the Haunted Mansion which was “dead” quiet since everyone was watching the fireworks. After that we did Big Thunder Mt. Railway which is quite nice at night and then we did Jungle Cruise, it’s shutting down tomorrow for refurb. It was 11 and the park was closing so we just got into the Main St. Emporium when the next Spectromagic parade started so we were stuck in the store until it was done. I picked up a few little things and got to use Joey’s discount this time. We parted ways at the Polynesian parking lot and ended up at Pop after midnight. Darn hard finding a parking spot too. I decided to pack up Brynna’s suitcase so did that, read and finally off to bed at 1:30 am.


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