
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 16, 2008 - Day 22: On Our Way Back Hom

We knew it was coming, we had plane tickets with our names on them, we had to go home :(

We were up at the godawful hour of 6 am, quickly threw the last of our bits and pieces in the suitcase and started lugging the copious amounts of luggage down to the lobby. We were running a few minutes late but caught up once on the freeway. Saw a lovely sunrise as we drove to the airport. Dropped off the car at Alamo and checked into Alaska fairly quickly. There's just a small counter at this airport and not much of a wait.

Had some breakfast at Chik-fil-A and popped into a few shops to kill some time. Then it was through security and off to our gate. The flight was on time fortunately but really full. It was a bumpy ride to Seattle but it did smooth out the last hour or so. My tummy was bothering me today so it wasn't the best flight ever but I kept myself occupied by watching a movie on my itouch and reading.

Arrived in Seattle a little early which was good as we didn't have a huge layover. Got to our next gate and settled in for a bit of a wait, figures this flight was almost an hour late. Arrived in Seattle before 3, collected all that luggage and headed out to our car.

The weather at home is awesome, almost as hot as Orlando. I knew we would finally have nicer weather once we got home!

Still it was sad to come home to the real world but we're already planning our return for summerof 2009!


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