
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15, 2008 - Day 21: Fort Wilderness, Downtown Disney, Disney Hollywood Studios

So sad, our last day here in the World, on vacation, back to the real world tomorrow, at least after we fly home.

We had a fairly busy day planned. Gary and I were up by 7 and out before 7:30 in order to get to Ft. Wilderness for Gary’s segway adventure. I left him there and went and sat down by the lake, there were tables/chairs/umbrellas. Spent some lazy time just reading and watching all the families head to the dock to catch boats over to the Magic Kingdom.

Met up with Gary at 10:30 and we went back to Boardwalk. Made sure Brynna was awake and got working on the packing. Shortly after we headed out to Downtown Disney to make an exchange on her sweatshirt and have some lunch at Earl of Sandwich.

Back to the resort after filling the rental with gas, changed, and headed poolside for a bit. The water was a tad chilly but warmed up once you immersed yourself. Nice pool, there was a coney island theme to it and a roller coaster like water slide where you came out of a clown’s mouth. Didn’t try it but Gary had a few runs. After swimming we dried off and had a couple of yummy frozen bevvies at the bar, people watched and finally went back to our room. More packing, and I thought we hadn’t unpacked much.

We then headed over to DHS by boat, such a lovely way to travel. Got there around 6 and decided to do the animation building and found the Incredibles so Gary got his picture with them and Sorcerer Mickey was also nearby so I got my picture with him. Brynna went off to have dinner with Jimmy and Ryan. Gary and I then went to the ABC Commissary for dinner, I had a cuban sandwich which was very yummy.

Off to Coaster for one last ride and then we hoofed it out of the parks to catch our boat back. Met up with Brynna in front of the Boardwalk Bakery and grabbed a dessert to go. Now we’re back in our room, the place is pretty much packed up and we’re just about ready to call it a night as we’re up at 6 am and on our way back home!


Blogger Unknown said...

my god i miss you so much, i'm reading this blog pretty much everyday, I think to try and keep you with me

3:56 PM  

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