
I've found myself a home to journal my many travels. Writing longhand is extremely hard late at night when I just want to sleep! I decided I would rather use a keyboard to log my daily escapades while touring WDW or cruising the open waters. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 13, 2008 - Day 19: Boardwalk Villas & Downtown Disney

Definitely a much different day than we’ve had in the past 10 days or so.

Gary and I were up around 9ish so we grabbed our pastries from last night, some cheesestrings and headed out to the Boardwalk. I plonked Gary and the stuff down at a nice table overlooking the water and near the speakers playing 30s music and went over to the Boardwalk Bakery, I needed a serious coffee fix. They had lattes at the bakery so I got a double and hot chocolate for Gary. Then we had a lovely breakfast just watching the world go by. After we read until the sun hit us and we moved to another spot in the shade. Did that until 11 or so then woke up Brynna.

Didn’t do much else today but relax at the resort, read and walk around a bit. A change of pace for sure.

We did, however, meet up with Matt for dinner. We wanted to take him out to thank him for the use of his discount and for helping out Brynna when she’s here. We went to Rainforest Cafe (as I had gift cards) and had a really good meal. Again, he’s a very entertaining young man so the conversation was lively. I had Pastalaya which was a spicy cajun type jambalya only served with linguine instead of rice. For dessert we all shared a Volcano, man that’s a lot of brownie and ice cream!

Matt had to leave us after dinner so we said our goodbyes and quickly picked up an ornament in the Christmas store and then motored over to AMC Theatres to see yet another movie, this time What Happens In Vegas. It was very funny, very good, liked it better than Made of Honor. We got back to the room around midnight and pretty much crashed. Universal tomorrow!


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